Up and Running
by Jan Frank ©1999
Up and running, that is me!
Running, running constantly.
Do this. Do that. Make sure it’s done.
Never time for too much fun.
A project here, a project there.
A burdened heart, too much to bear.
No time to sit—just keep on going.
There’s never really time for knowing.
“Martha, Martha, come rest awhile.”
Just have to go this one more mile.
You know this all depends on me,
Completing tasks successfully.
Lord, where is Mary? Do you not care?
I’m all alone—this is not fair!
Tell her to help—there’s much to do.
Lord, don’t you see I’m serving You?
“Oh, Martha dear, can you not see?
One thing is needed. Look at Me!
Mary has chosen the better part—
You offered your home, she gave Me her heart.”
Oh Lord, You know my Martha’s heart.
I long to choose the better part—
I find myself so much undone
So here and there, so on the “run.”
Dear Lord, a Mary, I cannot be.
No matter what, I’m stuck with me.
“I made you thus, O child of mine.
Come sit with me, come rest, come dine.”
“I do not wish to change your name
Your heart is all I wish to claim.”
Please take my heart, take all of me
Please mold and shape and set me free.
I want so much to be like Mary
To settle down, to wait, to tarry.
Teach me to rest, to long for You.
To listen and refuse to “do”
Until I’ve heard Your Word for me.
Until Your face I clearly see.
Oh, Precious Jesus, draw me near.
Remove all shame, all doubt, all fear.
Transform this Martha’s heart of mine
And woo me to Your heart divine.
Your still, small voice comes sweet and clear—
“Sit down My child, for I am here.”